Analyzing and understanding the importance of anxiety & insomnia management

Everybody wants to be happy. This is the utmost thing every person desires throughout his life. And in search of it, people freak out. Believe it or not, anxiety affects us all. You may notice symptoms of anxiety during busy times at work while managing your finances when surviving a challenging relationship while disciplining your kids, or when some random negative thoughts ruin your day. This multi-tasking mindset generation is deteriorating our lifestyle.

CES Therapy – An emerging technology

Insomnia & anxiety are extremely normal parts of life. At times, it serves useful purposes. It can motivate you at work, keep you focused on your responsibilities, or can lead a healthy lifestyle. But if you don’t handle it carefully, it can seriously interfere with your work life, family relationships, and most importantly your health.

Anxiety & Insomnia Management in everyday life is really important for maintaining overall health as it can activate your brain, improve your mood, boost immunity, and allows you to be more productive. From common mood swings to severe heart disease – Anxiety has a very powerful impact on your well-being. Therefore, the need for Cranial Electro-Stimulation arises. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation, more commonly referred to as CES, has been cleared—rather than approved, as is the case for medications—by the FDA to treat insomnia and anxiety.

Most significant health problems related to Anxiety & Insomnia


Insomniacs and exhausted people have a higher risk of high blood pressure & heart problems. The irregular lifestyle and constant struggle between mind and body can directly increase heart rate & blood flow and causes the release of cholesterol and triglycerides into the bloodstream.


In the case of insomnia, it is considered that alleviating the underlying causes of tension can help in overcoming it. Often, several undeniable reasons can make it difficult to sleep.


No matter how you experience it, anxiety can cause problems in all areas of your life. It is probably no surprise that insomnia is connected with higher rates of anxiety.


Insomnia is considered one of the most common triggers for headaches — not just tension headaches, but severe migraines as well. Once they get going, migraines can generate more anxiety, which makes the pain worse.

Why you should choose CES over everything?

Do you need a better way to control anxiety or treat insomnia? Maybe you’ve tried prescribed medications, but they haven’t worked as you thought. Perhaps you haven’t tried pills yet because you are well aware of their side effects and even addiction. Maybe you’ve tried natural remedies recommended by a friend or family member– but those are not regulated by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and not backed by research.

Prescribed medications attempt to target an issue or imbalance in the body with the use of chemicals. But did you know that only 2% of your nervous system is chemical? The rest 98% of the nervous system – is electrical. With this knowledge, why treat the body with chemicals, pills, or injections?

CES is an electro-medical technology that induces sleep, provides relaxation, and puts you safely back in action!

How does insomnia & anxiety affect the mind and body?

When you are in an unrelaxed state, the brain undergoes both chemical and physical changes affecting overall functioning. During periods of high tension & anxiety, some chemicals within the brain, including the neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine & norepinephrine begin to rise which causes a large amount of adrenalin released by adrenal glands. Chemicals released during the process contribute to certain physiological effects, including rapid heart rate, higher blood pressure, and a weakened immune system. When left unmanageable over time, chronic tension can lead to the development of other serious problems, such as stomach ulcers, stroke, asthma, and heart disease.

How CES works on Anxiety & Insomnia management

A CES device sends pulsed, alternating micro-current to the brain. This micro-current enters the brain and makes the mind calm and quiet.
Based on several scientific studies it is believed that CES helps balance the neurotransmitters in the brain and promotes alpha brainwave patterns. These alpha brainwaves induce deep sleep and even deactivate parts of the brain that are responsible for excessive worry and overstimulation.

A 30 minute-treatment of CES is equivalent to 2-5 hours of restorative sleep.

CES is a relatively simple treatment at a comparatively low current level. The CES device sends pulses of very low amperage electricity through thin wires attached to electrodes clipped to the ear lobes or stuck to the skin over the bony prominence just to the front of, or behind each ear. The frequency of the electrical pulses can be adjusted — depending on the treatment effect desired.

Revitalize your nerves with Electro-Sleep

US FDA-cleared CES can help reduce anxiety and promote a relaxed state. It is Drug-Free, safe, and very effective treatment. Studies have shown that CES Technology has NO SIDE EFFECTS on health.

The CES is Ideal For:
  Memory loss
  Providing relief from anxiety
  Improving sleep for those suffering from insomnia
  Helps in anxiety without the harmful side effects of drugs.



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